
Creating for Sofie

I crocheted similar ripple blanket for baby Sofie (in the picture is our baby Justýnka) as for Hugouš. I used sweat candy colors - three pinks, two yellows, red, white and orange.

Pro malou Sofinku jsem uháčkovala podobnou vlnovkovitou deku jako pro Hugouška. Na obrázku pod ní spí naše Justýnka, Sofinka byla ještě u maminky v bříšku. Použila jsem stejnou přízi, vzor i rozměry, jen barvy jsou sladší, takové cukrátkové.

I also sewed a mantinel for Sofie. Again in candy colors.

Také mantinel jsem Sofince ušila, opět v cukrátkových barvách.


  1. Carol from Lakeside, Canada6/23/11, 6:15 PM

    Can you please tell me the measurements you use for the Ripple Baby Blanket? thank you from Carol, Canada : )

  2. The size is approximately 75cm x 100 cm (30x40 inches). The pattern is written by Attic24 - one dc, one dc, one dc, 2dctog, 2dctog, one dc, one dc, one dc, 2dc's, 2 dc's, one dc, one dc, one dc.

  3. Carol from Lakeside, Canada6/24/11, 4:27 AM

    Thank you for the size! I have just discovered Lucy at Attic24 in April and have made 3 Baby Ripples so far. My babies are now 20 and 22years now, so I forget how big to make them. These will be for gifts. I can't beleive how popular Lucy's pattern has become all around the world! It is a perfect pattern, nice and cozy with no holes like the granny blankets I used to make, which I found a bit chilly. Thanks so much again, from around the globe in Canada : )


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